EC122 - Social Entrepreneurship: Leadership & Impact

Social entrepreneurship is the practice of identifying, starting, and growing successful mission-driven businesses, nonprofits, and social ventures - that is, organizations that strive to advance social change through innovative solutions. This course is an introduction to social entrepreneurship, an emerging field that lies at the intersection of entrepreneurship and social change. The course will review innovative leaders who are attempting to mitigate problems facing humanity and our planet today. Course materials and activities will introduce students to characteristics of the social impact leader, philanthropy skills and knowledge, scaling of social impact, and impact measurement for social ventures. Students will discuss philanthropy and giving and the ways you might contribute your time, energy, and skills to promote health, equity, peace – whatever it is you care most about – in your life beyond this course. The class will learn the complex web of individuals and organizations that make up the social impact sector before each student works to create their own social impact plan. (Summer only 2025-26).

.75 units

No offerings are currently scheduled.

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