United World Colleges

Greetings United World Colleges students and counselors! We are excited to be a Davis United World College partner institution because we too believe in advancing international understanding through education. If you have questions about Colorado College, please connect with your territory representative below.
-Matt Bonser '98, Director of Admission
Colorado College Admission Representatives
Matthew Bonser '98
Director of Admission
Email Matthew Bonser
+1 (719) 389-6345
Pearson College UWC
Waterford Kamhlaba UWC of Southern Africa
Saúl Maravilla '19
Assistant Director of Admission
Email Saúl Maravilla
+1 (719) 389-6062
Courtney Salazar
Associate Director of Admission
Email Courtney Salazar
+1 (719) 389-6054
UWC Changshu China
UWC South East Asia
UWC Thailand
UWC Mahindra
UWC Costa Rica
Dylan Sanchez
Senior Assistant Director of Admission
Email Dylan Sanchez
+1 (719) 389-6448
UWC Adriatic
UWC Atlantic College
UWC Dilijan
UWC Mostar
UWC Maastricht
UWC Red Cross Nordic
UWC Robert Bosch