Staff Council
Staff Council's Mission Statement:
Staff Council advises the President and administration of Colorado College. In that context, our mission is to advocate for and promote the interests of staff, help draft and establish policies that affect staff, and facilitate communication between staff and other constituencies. In doing so, we aim to advance the mission of Colorado College.
Who We Are & What We Do
We are dedicated to helping staff succeed and grow, making Colorado College a rewarding place to work. As part of the CC community, we support and amplify the college’s values by:
- Honor the life of the mind as the central focus of our common endeavor
We believe that staff should enjoy meaningful participation in the academic mission and receive support for personal and professional growth. - Value all persons and seek to learn from their diverse experiences and perspectives
We believe that Colorado College has committed to respectful interaction and a supportive, open organizational climate, and we believe that valuing staff means paying them a living wage that reflects their experience and abilities. - Practice intellectual honesty and live with integrity
We believe that all staff are valued participants in the Colorado College community, and such participation requires honest and forthright discussion of concerns. - Serve as stewards of the traditions and resources of Colorado College
We believe that staff have an obligation to seek out efficiency, and that they deserve recognition for such efforts. - Nurture a sense of place and an ethic of environmental sustainability
We believe that sustainability - writ large - means going beyond environmental ethics and counting the total cost of ownership of our endeavors. - Encourage engagement and social responsibility at local, national, and global levels
We believe that staff should participate in campus processes and activities as full members of the Colorado College community. - Seek excellence, constantly assessing our policies and programs
We believe that improving processes requires input from those most affected, and that the college benefits from staff participation.
Staff Council advises the President to represent staff interests and support the college’s mission, through the following activities:
- Advocacy
Serving as an advocate for staff regarding issues of organizational climate; - Communication
Providing an opportunity to gather and share questions, concerns, and comments about general and specific college issues; - Advisory Role
Serving in an advisory role to the college's senior leadership, including but not limited to, salary and benefits; - Collaboration
Facilitating and encouraging collegiality and cooperation among staff and with other constituencies on campus; - Information Sharing
Collecting and disseminating information pertinent to staff issues to increase awareness of college policies; - Policy Recommendations
Developing recommendations for new policies or changes in policies pertaining to staff and submitting them to appropriate offices on campus; - Professional Development
Promoting professional development opportunities; - Committee Nominations
Soliciting and nominating colleagues to campus committees.
Staff Council is composed of members elected from divisional representative groups on campus.
Current members of Staff Council:
(for 24-25 academic year)
- Matthew Driftmier, Fine Arts Center
- Jonothan Stephenson, Residential Life
- Justin Porter, Facilities
- Steph Turco, Facilities
- Kyle Morrison, Enrollment Division
- Laura Schreiber, Co-chair, Information Technology Services
- Jessi Burns, Communications & Marketing, President's Office, Human Resources
- Marlene Arnold, Operations/Dean of the College Division
- Ashley Johnson, Athletics
- Rachel Hardison, Co-chair, Advancement/Alumni and Family Relations
- Rich Belton, Finance and Administration/Children's Center/Payroll/Purchasing
- Sophie Braker, Academic Departments and the Office of the Dean of the Faculty
- Tiffany Moore, Co-chair, Academic Departments
- Christine Green, Operations/Dean of the College
- Alyssa Tews, Library
- Rebecca Parker, Student Life Administration
- Israel Ashiagbor, Member At-Large
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