Ask Staff Council

Voice your concerns, suggestions, issues you want Staff Council to investigate, problems in your office, ideas for programs or events, desires for training, etc. We encourage you to also bring this information to your supervisor.

Answers from Cabinet members to recent questions will be posted here as they become available.


Q: The way appreciation hockey tickets are released is incredibly frustrating. It is first-come first-serve and availability is at a random unknown time and date. This is INCREDIBLY inequitable. This method favors all employees who are located at a desk/office where they receive email notifications instantly. Other employees who are working outside the office are extremely disadvantaged. I think if you ran statistics on who get these tickets it will be many similar individuals year after year. Not to mention this year tickets were released on Veteran's Day. Although not a college holiday some employees are Veteran's and choose to take this day off. The whole system is not a fair and balanced way to distribute, what should be, an equitable sign of appreciation to all staff.


A: Thank you for sharing your concerns about how we distributed the tickets to the Employee Appreciation Hockey games on November 22 & 23, 2024. The intention is to celebrate you and your hard work, so the fact that the process is frustrating to you is disappointing. Last year, the response was so positive we added a second night to provide more tickets and this year we defaulted to two nights based on known interest and to maximize access.  Please know, as of Thursday November 14, there are still tickets available. 

 We welcome your suggestions regarding the distribution process and will check in with Staff Council as well. It is our hope to continue offering employee appreciation opportunities as possible (like free admission for the first 100 employees to the November 16 & 17 Men’s Soccer NCAA Tournament) and will continue to refine the process, hopefully with your input, as we go. Please also feel free to send any specific suggestions to Lesley Irvine,



Q: I was surprised that despite CC leadership's habit of sending out formal communication related to impactful social events (i.e. current conflict between Israel & Gaza, SCOTUS admission decision, the murder of George Floyd, etc). that there was no formal college response to the recent attempted assassination of a previous American president and current presidential candidate. The assassination attempt surely is another major personification of the current depths of our severe national division and runs counter to the college's push for "courageous conversations" and to engage one's community in discourse across perspectives, experiences, and identities. Should the college's silence on this topic be interpreted as the institution condoning the events that occurred on July 13th?


A: As a general guideline, CC leadership will not make statements on events or issues that do not directly affect our campus community. Fostering courageous conversations continues to be a key priority for the college. Students, faculty, and staff will have many chances to practice civic engagement and constructive dialogue during the 2024-45 academic year, especially as we approach the 2024 U.S. presidential election, through offices and programs like the Collaborative for Community Engagement, the Butler Center, Institutional Equity and Belonging, the Ombuds Office, and the Conflict & Community series sponsored by the President’s Office.


Please type your feedback in the space below and then click "Send" to send it to the Staff Council. We will address it in our next meeting. All submissions are confidential, and only seen by members of Staff Council. All identifying information is removed when answers are posted below. We request your information so that we may contact you directly to ask follow up questions, or answer your question directly. If you choose to submit a question anonymously, we will do our best to provide a response based on the information provided in your question. All written responses to questions will be posted here, whether or not the question was submitted anonymously. See answers to recent questions. For questions answered at In the Loop, you may see the recordings here

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Report an issue - Last updated: 02/25/2025